Now is the time when you should shut the hell up! A rant about healthcare

March 22, 2010 Leave a comment

As we all know (unless you live in the Batcave with no cable) the Healthcare Bill passed.

As of 10:01 am this morning I’m so already tired of hearing about how it’s the WORST day in history because the bill passed…. To that I say, Oh really? Worse than including the 13th Amendment to the Constitution? Worse than when black people were lynched (we should be over that by now huh in this post-racism America *side eye*). Let me not focus on the “Negroes” (oh really Mr. Census man). Let me move forward, worse than 9/11? (oh that’s not our doing – so it doesn’t count *side eye*)? Worse than invading a country and then getting caught lying about why?

This mentality that some of us have where we shouldn’t help those that are in need is ridiculous – considering that “the Treasury is borrowing 46 cents of every dollar it spends, largely from China and other foreign creditors (Washington Post)”. When it comes to things here at home, we like to “lean on the Lord” but for everyone else we can raise money and send aid. Uhm ok.

Let me say this, most of us haven’t suffered. You’re cable going out or not having internet doesn’t count as suffering. Suffering in terms of not being able to afford or have access to a doctor who can potentially save your life, the life of a child or loved one. Spare me the bullshit that the government now is now going to interfere with your treatment. Scared you won’t be able to pick your doctor? You don’t pick him now. Your effing insurance company does. Try to see someone outside of your PPO and talk to me about it. But let me guess, you’re one of those people who think these things don’t apply to you because you will NEVER lose your healthcare. Wait until you get laid off then let’s see how you feel.

I talk about times when you should shut the hell up when you don’t know what you’re talking about…. This is it (unless you’ve read the bill – then please feel free to enlighten us all – I’ve only read the cliff notes).

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. ~ Ambrose Redmoon

Lastly, to the idiots who said that black people are ruining this country I say bullshit. It’s the decline of civility that is ruining our country.

Yours rantfully,

P.S. to black folks:
Now that the civility is gone from our nation (don’t believe me? ask Rep. John Lewis who was called a nigger while entering the Capitol building)… I’m going to need for some folks to be pissed about this or at least bat an eyelash – you all get more pissed about Rocko cheating on Monica, Lil’ Wayne going to jail, or Tiger screwing only white women than you do a man who fought for civil rights being treated in such a manner. Get your shit together.

See Who Checked You’re Profile – Rant

March 16, 2010 1 comment

First let me say.  Do not send me any emails about grammar or punctuation cause that will annoy me even further and trust me – we don’t want no trouble.

Shall we begin?

These people remind me of the people who leave their blinds open all damn day/night then get pissed when someone looks in their window.   Hear me loud and clear…. No one cares who views your Facebook profile.  Really.  This movement must die.

Since I promised I would start my rant with some facts; here they are… Meh.  I spent all of 10 minutes researching these points.  So you get what you get.  I already said this wasn’t a Dateline investigative report.  Adding the facts to my rant just ticks me off further.  Yeah, that’s my damn disclaimer.

Point #1:

NOW YOU CAN SEE EVERY 1 WHO VIEWS YOUR PROFILE Event, and it’s toolbar (I bet you’re like, “What’s Fezbo” and “I don’t want no toolbar”).  That’s exactly what this event is.   This is the event everybody and their mama has been invited to with a whooping 823,187 confirmed guests and a total of almost 3 MILLION people invited.… Let’s go down to the fine print on the event description and it’s not even really “fine print” it’s the asterisk (*).  I wanna call you out your name so bad but I won’t.  I keep telling people, the asterisks is what’s hot cause that’s where the 1,2 punch lives (you might know his “often seen but never read” 1st cousin Fine Ass Print).

Let’s take a look (this is from the description of the event):

Now it’s 100% possible to see who views your profile or spying you!!*  Look down as the damn asterisk down at the bottom of the damn page.  It clearly says:  * It works with feboz only.

I couldn’t make this up if I wanted to.  Really.  It should be harder to fool some folks but hey the internets (G. Bush reference) are new for some folks – I ain’t judging – I’m just sayin.   Now, I know quite a few of my friends (even the really smart ones) who have joined this group/event.  If you are aware that this is for Feboz and you’re getting ready to say, “Ah ha be-otch.  I gotcha I know what it is” don’t worry cause this rant still applies to you (just skip down to the rant).

NOTE:  For the one’s who say, “eff it I want the damn toolbar anyway so I can see who’s jocking me…” Take your ass straight to the website ( and stop reading here.

Point #2:

You can go to Feboz’s Group page on Facebook and read that it clearly states “Now See Who Views Your Feboz Profile on Feboz!”  *I don’t understand for the life of me why you get on the intertubes if you ain’t willing to read all the little words.

Point #3:

Feboz’s reply to this event circulating on Facebook (read down to Update #2)

….And finally let the rant begin:

You’re not that damn important.  Ok, maybe to your family and close friends but other than that nobody is checking for you*.  Seriously.   Not that guy from the club you randomly hooked up with, not the girl from high school who didn’t like you then (and she still don’t like you now), etc…. I know it’s takes the wind out of most folks sails, but what can you do….

*If you got warrants, behind on your child support, doing something that’s going to have you doing 5 to 10, that crazy chick who you refuse to remove as a friend cause she ain’t right in the mind (lmao) etc… then you got folks checking for you.

Why be on Facebook if you don’t want anyone to see your profile?   Riddle me that one Batman.   You’re shit is not the damn batcave.  You don’t have any clandestine operations going on over at your page…. Spare me the speech of “I don’t want anyone looking at my stuff unless I let them”.

Let’s be honest with each other.  It’s just me and you.  You want me looking through your sh*t – checking out your profile, looking at your photos (including the random booty tooting photos), etc.  Know how I know?  You would have made it… (wait for it) private or (this just gets better) you wouldn’t have damn effing posted it.  OMG what a concept.

Isn’t it a little hypocritical of you anyway?  I’m sure you go trolling (I don’t care if you frown at the word “trolling” – really I don’t) on other people’s profiles/pages but now you want to see who’s checking yours.  Hmpf.

Bottom line:

Nobody’s gives 2 sh*ts about your profile.  There is no toolbar that will show you who’s looking at your Facebook profile.  Sorry.   Not really but hey you know what else can I say.

Seriously I need for you to do 3 things:

  1. Cut it out with this “I’m being stalked ” status updates.  No you aren’t.  Stop it.  You aren’t being stalked because someone views your profile.  It had to be said.
  2. Get a damn hobby – besides Farmville, Mafia Wars, or Sorority Life.  It’s spring – take your ass outside and find something to do.
  3. Next person who invites me to this damn event or group Imma post some choice words to your wall…. And I ain’t playing.  Test me if you wanna.

Oh yeah and I checked your profile.  You know why?  Cause that’s what I’m supposed to damn do.

Could care less  but I just like to rant,


Categories: Facebook, Ranting